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Great news... we have a blog! If you're the reading type we hope that you take some time to peruse our comments, insights, remarks and quips. If you're not so fond of reading, you're in luck because there are some "perty" pictures too! Have an opinion or comment? Be sure to let us know what you think in the "contact" section. We always love some good feedback!

Sales & Marketing Managers: How to Deliver a 3-Minute Message to Hard-to-Reach Prospects


Open Letter to Sales Manager: What's more, you're being asked to manage all kinds of new technology. The internet has made our job both easier and more difficult. We've got way more tools on our hands, but who can keep up with how to use them all? And if you're operating on a budget, as most of us are, you may find your support staff shrinking and your tools out of date.

The DIRTY secrets of social media marketing and how you can CHOOSE to make money or waste a smelly elephant amount of your time…


Are you wondering whether this entire social media hullabaloo is actually worth your time?You've heard it 8 million times before – Social Media – the last bastion of hope for the small business to win the jackpot lotto of nearly free marketingthat nets you more than you ever imagined…Has all the talk about social media got you asking, “Am I really missing the jackpot boat ride, or are all the other business owners, managers and marketers just wasting time playing in the time sink?

Do I really NEED a website, and if so, how important is the web design?


You may be thinking about a website for your business or a new business idea that you have… lots of people are. Or, you may already have a website and be thinking, "Do I need to make a change?" I could tell you what I think, but that would be just one more talking head telling you what to do, so…

BIG BROTHER's Not Scary When You Are He...


Analytics are almost as great as I make them sound. And, if you have a web designer or developer worth his salt, then you probably already have analytics on your site. However, most people never use this information, because few people know how to access their analytics and even most web designers and developers don't know what to do with it. This is because analytics do a good job of telling you a lot of numbers and percentages and measurements about your site. They do NOT tell you what that information means, whether your numbers are good or bad for your individual situation (or even on the average), nor do they say what to do about any of the information they give.
