
We are very excited to present a project close to launch. A web development sneak peak for Daniel Paul Chairs

The process for web development is typically very structured:

Our Process

Our design process is a little unique, we like competition. You see we pit two hungry web designers against each other for the praise and approval of the client.  Two web designers each come up with their best web designs, taking into consideration all of the SWOT and demographic information.  It's important to note at this point that every web design we do has a series of goals. We want our websites to be beautiful, but they also must serve the client's needs.  I've discussed goals oriented website development here.  Once we complete our designs, and review their target goals we present those final designs to the excited client. 


Sketches Phase:

Logo Design & Consideration:

Main Web Page Design

Sub Web Page Design

After we've fully developed our concepts it's time to start working with our raster and vector tools. We mostly use Photoshop and Illustrator for this section of the design process, but it all depends on the needs of the client. In the case of Daniel Paul Chairs they had a great amount of beautiful imagery showcasing their products, and we felt it was important to show those products in use.

Final design:

Check back soon for the reveal of this web development project when we launch the new and improved Daniel Paul Chairs website!