
I came across this cool infographic outlining what happens every 60 seconds on the web.

Just a few highlights that took me by surprise:

  • 98,000+ Tweets
  • 1,500 Blog Posts
  • 6,600+ Flickr Photos
  • 695,000+ Facebook Status Updates

So, what's the point?

Social media is if you didn't already know. People want to connect on a personal level and share content from every aspect of their lives. From a business perspective this doesn't mean that your customer will want to follow you on twitter or like you on facebook. They may want to keep their business relationships separate from their personal life, and that's fine. Thing is, we all need to learn a lesson from the boom in social networking...people are relationship driven and they choose to buy brands that they connect with.

The Reality

I'm amazed by the number of business owners who are more interested in internal operations than than customer relations. Many business get so focused on cash flow and daily operations that they lose sight of the bigger picture. Yes, at the end of the day we're all in business to make money, but the truth is that if you don't invest in relationships you won't be in business very long.

My takeaway from this one is: Is your brand antisocial?