
Have you noticed that your search results in Google are getting a little creepy... Like stalker creepy?  This is partly because Google is now aggregating all of your data across multiple Google products, but also that they are using the data about you to tailor those results to you. That means those are YOUR results, not your target demographics.  They will have their own results much more tailored to them.

Should I still search engine optimize?

You may ask: But wait doesn't that mean I shouldn't search engine optimize my site? The answer is no! You should be upgrading your success metrics to better indicate what constitutes a conversion. Google better targeting your demographic is better for you, and Google!

It will soon be less important to have the number one position, because you won't be able to maintain that across all users. Instead success should be measured with your site Analytics. Through demographic targeting you will be able to test each success metric you set versus your average customer. You will want to be number one on your key demographic’s search results, and measure that by their incoming search keyword in your web Analytics software.

If you don't know your online demographic, consider doing a s.w.o.t. analysis. Even if you have current statistics make certain that the demographic your targeting is a converting demographic group, because you don’t need spend money marketing to a group who will not convert.