
Earlier this week, I discovered a frustrating trend that I believe is sabotaging the success of many small businesses. I was doing a web search for a local heating and air condition repair company to come out and replace my unit. This is not a small purchase, it is an investment. I needed to find a reputable, professional company to do the work. I turned to two sources; one of them being referrals from friends, and the second an internet search. I was amazed that two out of the three referrals I was given had no web presence at all! If someone had not given me their name and number, I would have never found them. How much business are they missing if they can not be found?

A business without an internet presence in the 21st century is devastating. Word of mouth and referrals can only reach a limited number of people. Potential customers also no longer use the phone book to search for a business. They use search engines to get information about businesses that provide products and services they need. If you have no website to tell your story, they will not find you.

A survey by Yodle, states that only about half or 52% of small business have websites. Why are small business owners not using the internet to grow their businesses? When the majority of people are searching for a local business to deal with - from a handyman to a florist, the first place they look is online. If they find the service provider does not have a website or one that clearly has not been updated since 2008, in most cases, they discount that company immediately. It gives the appearance that the enterprise is unprofessional and low quality and in turn, they are sabotaging their chance of success.

Many small businesses feel that they are just not large enough to have website. This is not the case; all businesses from personal trainer to physician NEED a website. Many small businesses are not aware that the cost of a website can be very inexpensive, yet very professional and effective. We offer a service here at TradeMark called PowWow You can have a professional website up quickly and establish your web presence for as low as 30.00 a month. A small investment in a website can capture the business you have been missing. It can also give you immediate credibility by giving you a professional image.

Think about how much money the HVAC service professionals missed from my one single purchase this week. Just by not having a website for me to find them. Please stop sabotaging your business and let us help you today.